Cold Storage highlights

Benefits of Acquiring A Cold Room Through Leasing

Benefits of Acquiring A Cold Room Through Leasing

  Benefits of Acquiring A Cold Room Through Leasing   For farmers, especially those in small and medium-sized agricultural businesses, managing […]

The Evolution of Solar Power in Agriculture: Mobile Solar Powered Cold Rooms

The Evolution of Solar Power in Agriculture: Mobile Solar Powered Cold Rooms

 Solar Appreciation Day Did you know? The first solar panel was invented by Charles Fritts in 1883, when he coated […]

Preserving Freshness: Magic of Prolonged Shelf Life with Cold Rooms

Preserving Freshness: Magic of Prolonged Shelf Life with Cold Rooms

Introduction In a world where fresh, high-quality food is both a necessity, the magic of prolonged shelf life through cold […]

Our Contacts

D2, Jasmine Centre. Pio Gama Pinto Rd.
P.O Box 2648,00606 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 020 2000154 / +254 733 22 11 33

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